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- Revision history
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- ahi.device
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- 1.32
- AHI is no longer a library, but a device ("ahi.device").
- Doubled volume for stereo modes without panning.
- Changed the audio IDs for paula and wavetools.
- Moved the audio drivers from LIBS:AHI to DEVS:AHI.
- 1.286
- 'Cancel' text in the requester defaulted to the swedish
- word for cancel. Oops.
- AHI_GetAudioAttrsA() now takes 3 arguments instead of 2.
- Improved mixing rutines for AHIST_M8U samples a bit. More
- changes are needed!
- AHI_SetEffect() now only takes 2 arguments, and cannot be
- called from interrupts anymore.
- Added the first effect: AHIET_MASTERVOLUME.
- Removed some useless mixing routines and added a few other.
- When not using panning things should be faster now.
- Added a new database tag: AHIDB_Realtime.
- AHI_ControlAudioA() now returns an error code.
- More new data base tags: AHIDB_MaxPlaySamples,
- AHIDB_MaxRecordSamples and AHIDB_MixFreq.
- The way audio drivers tell ahi.device it can be used for
- recording has changed.
- Added second effect: AHIET_OUTPUTBUFFER.
- Sample frequencies can now be up to 131071 Hz, which should be
- enough for most users.
- Improved most of the mixing routines. Fixed some bugs in the 16
- bit routines aswell.
- The requester now has menus and is keyboard controllable.
- Yet another new database tag: AHIDB_FullDuplex.
- Samples can now be played backwards (AHIST_LOOP sounds, however,
- cannot. ).
- I had to change the AHIAudioCtrl structure a little. Old drivers
- will NOT work any longer - they will probably crash! Hey, it's
- still a beta version - I'm allowed to do such things!
- The requester tags has been redefined, a recompile is neccessary.
- Removed a memory leak in AHI_AudioRequestA().
- New tags for AHI_ControlAudioA(): AHIC_MonitorVolume and
- AHIC_MonitorVolume_Query.
- Removed the AHIDB_MixFreq tag in AHI_GetAudioAttrsA() and added
- AHIC_MixFreq_Query for AHI_ControlAudioA().
- Cursor keys can now control the audio mode requester.
- Added 32 bit mixing routines with linear interpolation.
- 2.4
- New field in the AHIAudioCtrlDrv structure: ahiac_BuffType.
- Rewrote parts of the mixing routines. Sometimes they read one
- sample to much, causing clicks. Hopefully they work now. The new
- routine is a little faster, by the way...
- Fixed the 32 bit linear interpolation mixing routines; they
- ALWAYS read at least one sample too much, sometimes two.
- Loads of new tags for AHI_ControlAudioA(): AHIC_InputGain,
- AHIC_InputGain_Query, AHIC_OutputVolume, AHIC_OutputVolume_Query,
- AHIC_Input, AHIC_Input_Query, AHIC_Output, and AHIC_Output_Query.
- Even more new tags for AHI_GetAudioAttrsA(): AHIDB_MinMonitorVolume,
- AHIDB_MaxMonitorVolume, AHIDB_MinInputGain, AHIDB_MaxInputGain,
- AHIDB_MinOutputVolume, AHIDB_MaxOutputVolume, AHIDB_Inputs,
- AHIDB_InputArg, AHIDB_Input, AHIDB_Outputs, AHIDB_OutputArg and
- AHIDB_Output.
- Increased the maximum frequency a sample can be played at to 262143
- Hz.
- Previously, the requested number of channels was rounded to an
- even power of two, i.e. an 18 channel song actually used 32
- channels. This is no longer the case.
- 2.23
- Fixed a bug in AHI_GetAudioAttrsA(): Strings was not always NULL-
- terminated.
- CloseDevice() trashed some registers it shouldn't. Not so anymore.
- By mistake I used the function graphics.library/SetRPAttrs() in
- the requester code, which caused AHI to crash on pre-39 machines.
- Fixed some bugs in the autodocs AHI_AllocAudioA()/AHIA_RecordFunc.
- Note that the RecordFunc must return NULL from now on!
- All PlayerFreq related values should now be Fixed instead of
- ULONG. A kludge has been added to keep old programs going for some
- time.
- 3.861
- Small bug fix in the requester code.
- AHI_DEFAULT_ID as AHIA_AudioID tag data (AHI_AllocAudioA())
- didn't work.
- New function: AHI_PlayA().
- MC68000-version added.
- New mode for audio drivers: AHISB_CANPOSTPROCESS.
- Bug fix: Turning off the AHIET_OUTPUTBUFFER effect resulted in an
- endless loop.
- Surround support added.
- New function: AHI_SampleFrameSize().
- New (private) functions: AHI_AddAudioMode(), AHI_RemoveAudioMode()
- and AHI_LoadModeFile().
- AddAudioModes does not have to be run before AHI can be used
- anymore. When 'ahi.device' is loaded, it will check if the audio
- mode database is loaded. If not, it will automatically scan
- DEVS:AudioModes/ for mode files and add them.
- Rewrote the last three non-critical functions in C instead of
- assembly.
- Added the new tag AHIB_Dizzy to AHI_BestAudioIDA().
- New "effect": AHIET_CHANNELINFO.
- The first two device commands added: CMD_READ and CMD_WRITE
- The (obsolete) MultiLoop feature is not totally gone.
- Removed a bunch of mixing routines that almost never were used
- anyway.
- AHI_LoadSound() does not handle unsigned 8 bit samples anymore.
- You'll have to convert such samples before they can be played from
- now on.
- Added Storm C include files.
- More device commands: CMD_RESET, CMD_STOP, CMD_START and CMD_FLUSH.
- Stereo sounds can now be used too.
- Max frequency for AHI_SetFreq() increased once again: 1048575.
- Added two functions to calculate CPU usage and avoid lockups
- (ahiac_PreTimer and ahiac_PostTimer).
- Localized it.
- 3.948
- AHIR_Locale should work now.
- AHIDB_MaxChannels didn't work in AHI_BestAudioID().
- The users preferred audio mode can now be selected in the requester,
- by setting AHIR_DoDefaultMode to TRUE.
- Added an infowindow to the requester.
- All functions that take an audio mode id as input can now use
- AHI_DEFAULT_ID as well.
- CMD_READ should actually work now. I hope.
- Faster 16 bit mixing of 16 bit samples when using a "fast" mode.
- New flag for OpenDevice(): AHIDF_NOMODESCAN (private).
- (Wrote user docs.)
- (Updated "Programming Guidelines".)
- 3.1080
- CMD_STOP and CMD_START should work better now?
- The freqgadget wasn't ghosted if the requester was opened with
- audioid set to AHI_DEFAULT_ID. Now it is.
- Up to 4 device units are now available.
- No more alignment restriction for CMD_WRITE.
- Removed IORequest size check for OpenDevice(AHI_NO_UNIT) in order
- to make some programs that open V3 without a valid V3 AHIRequest
- work.
- AHIST_INPUT redefined.
- Rewrote AHI_LoadSound() and AHI_UnloadSound() in C.
- Playing 16 bit stereo samples in mono-not-fast mode did not work.
- AHI_BestAudioID() and FilterTags in the audio mode requester had got
- the FullDuplex flag all wrong.
- The audio mode requester can now handle AHIR_PubScreenName set to
- NULL, meaning that is should open on the default public screen.
- The echo routines is now rewritten. "Fast echo" routines added.
- "No-cross-Full-mix" too.
- I tried to get AHIST_INPUT working, but I couldn't make the recording
- and playback sync. I suspect the problem is in the Paula driver,
- but I don't know...
- 3.1091
- Major bug in the device interface code fixed. It could crash, and
- never used more that one channel.
- Amiga E modules added.
- 4.20
- Bumped version to 4.
- (Transformed "Programming Guidelines" into "AHI Developer's Guide".)
- Added AHIE_HALFDUPLEX error code.
- 4.26
- Some tweaks...
- AHIET_DSPMASK didn't work! Now it does.
- 4.99
- Fixed a race condition when playing small chunks with CMD_WRITE.
- Fixed the problems with unreplied IO requests.
- Fixed a lockup problem with CMD_START (it's still far from perfect).
- Fixed some problems in AHI_BestAudioIDA().
- ahiam_AudioID and ahiam_MixFreq are now left unchanged if the user
- cancels the audio mode requester.
- Added optional clipping when using master volume > 100%. So there.
- The functions that returned BOOL (AHI_GetAudioAttrsA() and
- AHI_AudioRequestA()) now sets all 32 bits and not just the lower
- word of the return code (BOOL is only 16 bit).
- Bug fixes in the "normal" mixing routines (not fast or hifi).
- Much faster HiFi routines.
- 4.109
- Oops! I had some debug code left in the device (flashing
- backgrounds, anyone?)...
- Added 68060 version.
- 4.158
- AHI_LoadSound() now returns an error if the user tries to
- play unsigned samples in HiFi modes (i.e., I removed the
- AHI-Noteplayer-for-Delitracker kludge).
- AHI_LoadSound() always returned 0 if the driver overloaded the
- function. Now it returns the correct value.
- AHI_SetEffect() would return 0 even if the driver overloaded
- the function.
- Fixed an overflow error in the HiFi-routines.
- Removed distortion when playing sounds backwards in HiFi mode.
- CMD_START was never executed... Sigh.
- Echo will no longer trash memory.
- Bug in the 32 bit stereo echo routine removed.
- AHI preferences
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- 0.1
- There is now a prefs program, written by Ruediger Sopp, that can
- be used to select default audio mode, frequency etc.
- 1.0
- New preferences program, rewritten from scratch. This one (barely)
- fits on a 640×200 screen using Topaz 8.
- 4.3
- Bumped version to 4.
- Localized it.
- "Reset to Defaults" didn't reset the Global Options.
- "Restore" fixed (always loaded ENV:Sys/ahi.prefs, even if invoked
- with a FROM argument.
- 4.5
- New global option: Mastervolume with(%|out) clipping.
- MUI version written by Stéphane Barbaray added.
- Small bug fix in the MUI version, and CTRL-C also works now.
- AddAudioModes
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- 1.1
- AddAudioModes rewritten. New switch: REMOVE.
- 1.2
- AddAudioModes got another switch, DBLSCAN, which tries to open
- and then immediately close a native, double-scan screen. At least
- CyberGraphX keeps the scan rate when ECS/AGA screens are closed, so
- this enables >28 kHz sample rates for graphic card owners. My guess
- is that this requires V39 or greater to work, but it should work
- with both ECS and AGA. Don't forget to install a doublescan monior
- driver if you don't already have one.
- 1.5
- AddAudioModes DBLSCAN now scans the audio mode database for the
- screen mode that allows highest sample rates.
- The device is now opened with the AHIDF_NOMODESCAN flag.
- 4.1
- Bumped version to 4.
- AHI-Handler
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- 1.8
- Changed the priority of the AUDIO: handler to 5.
- 4.1
- Bumped version to 4.
- 4.2
- Much improved error handling.
- delfina.audio
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Note: delfina.audio is ©1996-1997 Petsoff Limited Partnership and
- written by Teemu Suikki. The latest release of this driver can be
- found at <URL:ftp://spot.lnet.lut.fi/pub/delfina/>.
- filesave.audio
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- 1.0
- First version.
- 1.1
- Updated for HiFi (32 bit) mixing routines.
- 2.0
- Bumped version to 2.
- Bug fix: Previously called AslRequest instead of AslRequestTags,
- resulting in an Enforcer hit.
- 2.1
- Minor bug fixes.
- Added sampler emulation. This means that this driver can now be
- used to simulate a sound card with sampler. Just select an audio
- file when the requester pops up. (This feature is only for
- programmers and requires OS 3.0 or higher, because
- datatypes.library is used to load the audio file.)
- 2.2
- Now works with 2.0 systems, too. The file should be a raw 8 bit
- signed sample (i.e. no headers).
- 2.3
- Changed the number of avalable mixing/sampling frequencies.
- 2.4
- MC68000-version added.
- Minor improvements and larger buffer makes it several times faster.
- Fixed a bug in AHIsub_Enable().
- AHIsub_AllocAudio() did not return the correct error code on failure.
- 2.5
- Now displays a requester instead of an alert if asl.library cannot be
- opened.
- 2.6
- The requester about missing asl.library is now only showed once.
- melody.audio
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Note: melody.audio is ©1997 Kato and written by Thorsten Hansen.
- The latest release of this driver can be found at
- <URL:http://home.pages.de/~kato>.
- paula.audio
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- 2.0
- Bumped version to 2.
- Bug fix: 14 bit uncalibrated mode now works as it should.
- 2.2
- Various bugfixes.
- Added support for parallel port samplers (only generic mono this
- time).
- Changed the number of avalable mixing/sampling frequencies.
- The video mode is now checked to see if mixing frequencies above
- 28867 Hz is possible.
- 2.3
- Bug fix: Driver reported wrong resolution for 14 bit modes.
- MC68000-version added.
- Bug fix: Distortion because of playing samples from an odd
- address. Kinda lame bug: I made sure the length was even, but
- forgot the start address.
- 2.4
- Can now use the Aura sound card as sampler instead of one in the
- parallel port.
- 2.5
- Better handling of the Aura sampler. The driver is now defined to
- have two inputs, instead of using two separate mode files.
- 3.0
- Added protection against CPU overload.
- 3.1
- The variable AHIpaulaFilterFreq is now checked when the audio
- is allocated.
- 4.1
- Bumped version to 4.
- 4.2
- This is unbelievable, but I had swapped the left and right channel!
- 4.5
- Crashed related to the PCMCIA code removed. Oops.
- 4.6
- Better checks for >28 kHz modes.
- 4.7
- Added variable AHIpaulaSampleLimit, to remove the screen mode
- checks.
- 4.8
- Better checking of videomode with Picasso 96 (req. 1.18+).
- 4.10
- HiFi modes added.
- Added support for the Clarity sampler?
- 4.11
- Rewrote the conversion routines, they should be faster now?
- Added the AHIpaulaBufferLength environment variable.
- 4.12
- There were errors in the new conversion routines, when the
- tempo changed.
- 8 bit modes now have hardware volume control.
- 4.13
- Added the AHIpaulaSwapChannels environment variable.
- AHIsub_GetAttr() is much faster now.
- prelude.audio
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Note: prelude.audio is ©1996-1997 A.C.T. and written by Thomas
- Wenzel. The latest release of this driver and documentation can
- be found at <URL:http://linux.rz.fh-hannover.de/~wenzel/Prelude.html>.
- toccata.audio
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- 2.1
- First public version.
- 2.10
- Lots of bug fixes, but there is need for many more.
- 2.11
- More bug fixes. I think it actually is usable now...
- 2.12
- Will now do all mixing in a software interrupt if the environment
- variable AHItoccataNoTask is set to 1.
- 2.14
- Added support for the hacked "toccata..library". It works much better
- than the AHItoccataNoTask kludge.
- AHIC_MonitorVolume works as it was supposed to now.
- Bug in the mutal exclusive code fixed.
- 2.15
- A little less clicks now.
- 2.17
- Better hardint checking.
- Doesn't fail to load anymore if toccata.library v12 cannot be opened.
- 4.1
- Added protection against CPU overload.
- Added HiFi modes.
- 4.3
- Added the AHItoccataIrqSize environment variable.
- 4.4
- Added workarounds for bugs in the AD1845 chip. No more white noise
- on the DraCo Motion!
- wavetools.audio
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- 1.10
- Updated for beta 2 (AHIC_MonitorVolume, AHIC_MonitorVolume_Query)
- 2.0
- Bumped version to 2.
- Added support for AHIC_OutputVolume, AHIC_OutputVolume_Query,
- AHIDB_MinMonitorVolume, AHIDB_MaxMonitorVolume, AHIDB_MinOutputVolume,
- AHIDB_MaxOutputVolume, AHIDB_Inputs, AHIDB_Input, AHIDB_Outputs and
- AHIDB_Output.
- 2.1
- Wow, at last! Somebody is actually USING this driver now! Version
- 2.0 didn't even work, and nobody reported it until recently...
- Note: The following changes were done by Johan Nyblom
- <nyblom@ludd.luth.se>
- 2.11
- Bug fixes, input gain added.
- Other software
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- The hook structure in PT-AHIPlay.s missed the userdata field.
- PT-AHIPlay.s doesn't use AHIST_LOOP sounds anymore.
- RecordTestQnD.s now uses AHIC_MonitorVolume.
- ScanAudioModes updated for V2.
- PT-AHIPlay.s updated to use Fixed instead of ULONG for player
- frequencies.
- DoubleBuffer example program added.
- HarddiskRecord example program added.
- The protracker replay code has been rewritten.
- Protracker datatype added.
- RecordTest example program added.
- PlayTest example program added.
- Updated the AHI-Noteplayer for Delitracker to version 1.4.
- Audio handler added.
- Simpleplay updated.
- The protracker replay code fixed (left/righ channel swapped),
- and a major bug in the example PlayerFunc was removed (didn't
- save register a2!).
- Protracker datatype updated. Now it actually obeys the AHI rules,
- which hopefully means no more crashes with Toccata.
- Added DSPECHO and DSPMASK to SimplePlay.
- Protracker datatype would cause a total lockup with the filesave
- driver. Not anymore.
- ARGH!! The doublebuffer.c example used an incorrect formual for
- calculating the buffer size!
- Moved the Delitracker noteplayer out of the developer archive (what's
- the point when it doesn't include any source?).
- The protracker replay code called AHI_ControlAudioA() every interrupt,
- since I fotgot to clear ptd_NewTempo.
- Added Melody to the distribution.